Saturday, October 2, 2010

So does this make me a "blogger" now?

Oh god, here I am, a blogging virgin...

Guess that stage of innocence is over as I subject myself to the harsh world of the internet.

Yet, as judgmental and typically brutally honest as this world is, I've got to admit, its already kind of fun.
A sort of exhilarating feeling being able to share my thoughts with the world, unbarred. 

Well, sort of. ;)

I see this as my outlet. And you, (yes, all one of you)  are invited along for the ride.

With all the fun that comes from the stress of college applications, high school drama, relationships, and the daily balancing act that most kids my age face, I've got a lot to say.

But no, this is not another gossip website about my life, or the lives around mine.
These are my opinions, as "tell it like it is" as they come. Be it about politics, the media, pop culture, new or old products, or yes, even the trivial problems I face at high school. 

So here's me and my thoughts, unexposed and completely vulnerable to the harshness and judgement that comes with putting anything online.

Okay, you still with me? Good.

 Thank you to the one solitary person that may have possibly stumbled upon this site and has not clicked away yet :P

So does this make me a "blogger" now? Probably not, but I'm sure I'll get there one day.

-Rae Kay

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